You need a good SCMworx, and your business SCMworx

January 18, 2021by Adam Matthews0

It’s not Rocinante’s fault.

We know Rocinante was not an easy horse to go on around the rugged Spanish countryside to philosophize. If Don Quixote called off his journey, sent Sancho Panza home and gave up his wild aspirations because sitting on skinny Rocinante is super uncomfortable and awkward, the world would have been deprived of its first modern novel. Instead, ‘Don Quixote and Sancho find a SCMworx and a bag containing a notebook, shirts, and money,’ and off they go etching their place in history.

Running businesses big or small is tough. And far too often businesses give in to discomfort, cave in on pressure and lose focus not realizing that it is simple tools and solutions that are at the core of complex, elaborate, daunting, gigantic challenges and journeys.

What have cowboys to do with Supply Chain Planning and Optimization (SCPO)?

Very little although everyone benefits from a good planning and optimization suite. But ask cowboys about SCMworx and  they will tell you that it is their happy place. In long journeys and in supply chain management, the saddle point is the most comfortable and optimal position. Mathematically speaking, a Scmworxis that critical point between the peaks of a relative minimum and a relative maximum along one axial direction.

If the axial direction of your organization is topline growth and bottom-line reduction, the relative maximum and minimum are all things desirable – minimum inventory costs maximum fill rates, minimum transportation costs maximum OTIF, minimum changeover maximum production flexibility, minimum  cost and maximum responsiveness.

When optimizing your supply chain, it is important to stay aware of the best interests of all stakeholders. Of course the Sales teams commit to higher SLAs but the finance team can’t make those commitments in terms of inventory to keep the balance in check. A conflict in this situation will not help the customer with his order, but what will help close the deal smoothly is exceptional planning, collaboration and optimization.

For the love of specifics

At SCMworx we are obsessed with details and specifics. We love math but we obsess over statistics, algorithms and matrices. We are passionate about Supply Chain Management, but we obsess over Supply Chain Planning and Optimization. Optimize to Maximize.

We are interested in your growth plans, how your teams come together and collaborate to achieve the operational KPIs. We are also interested in walking and sharing with you how  the effectiveness can be increased by including stakeholders like suppliers and subcontractors, how the sales team be given visibility to sell more and what measures can be taken to minimize firefighting and focus on the exceptions. We like getting into details, and fine tuning, sawing out, and smoothening your SCMworxto help you find the SCMworx for your businesses.

What is absolutely essential for symphonies and SCMworx?

When music sheets are perfect, the music is only near perfect. But music becomes a language, a medium, and a force, when the notes are played with passion, extreme precision, focus and mastery .SCMworx need all of this too.

Book a demo to see what SCMworx Technologies can do for your business. Drop us a note or call us.

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