Consumer Products

Volatile demand, shifting markets, dynamic pricing, channel complexity, short product life cycles, and shelf life requirements are the prime challenges in the consumer products industry.

Yet, you have to continuously meet customer expectations to remain relevant. To do that, you need to transform your supply chain to be efficient, transparent, and flexible. SCMworx proven range of solutions help you do just that. Be it accurate demand forecasting, responsive replenishment systems, or cost effective distribution and storage, our solutions bring the power of advanced techniques to your doorstep.
SCMworx Consumer Products industry solution delivers. Every time.


Design efficient network

Significantly improve your end-to-end supply chain network design and operations

Adaptive Planning

Gain better control over manufacturing / assembly with IIoT platform and ML capability

Optimize S&T costs

Optimized inventory planning, warehouse management, delivery route planning, shipment tracking

Maximize customer service

Realize demand sensing over social media, product expiry control, integrated order management