Global Optimized Order Fulfillment

Global Optimized Order Fulfillment solution enables companies to respond to rush order enquiries fast and accommodate them into their existing plan in the most cost optimal way and with minimal changes.

Rush orders are the norm in many industries. When an enquiry is received for a rush order, the supply chain team goes on an overdrive to check for all possible options to meet the rush order.This process of finding the ‘earliest feasible date’ for the rush order is time consuming, error prone and sub-optimal.Global Optimized Order Fulfillment follows a three step process to handle rush orders

Global Available to Promise (GATP) check: In the event of a rush order, GOOF scans the entire network for extra material. It also checks if the mode of transport can be changed from a slower to a faster mode to meet the rush order.

Global Capability to Promise (GCTP) check: If GATP fails, then GOOF checks if any spare capacity are there in any of the plants in the network to produce and meet the order. While doing so, it also looks for the most cost optimal option to produce and distribute.

Capacity Swapping: If both options fail, then GOOF checks if low priority orders (forecasts / fillers / tentative orders / low priority customer orders) can be swapped and moved out for accommodating the rush order. The impacted orders and their new delivery dates are given as an output of the GOOF run.

Features at a glance

  • Operates on the entire network and not on only one plant.
  • Incorporates cost elements like production cost, transportation cost, taxes, inventory cost, handling cost etc.
  • Models different types of resources like production resources (both batch and discrete), transportation resources, handling resources and storage resources.
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Brenda McIntyre
Majestic Vista LLC