Procurement Planner

Procuring from multiple vendors supplying at various lead times at various costs is a time consuming hassle that enterprises are only all too familiar with.

SCMworx Procurement Optimizer module can help your enterprise substantially cut its overall procurement costs by optimizing across the entire process. It incorporates your network of suppliers, supplier DCs, and factories with transportation costand lead times.

Multiple supplier parameters factored in: Diverse supplier-side variables like supplier capacity constraints, volume discounts, transportation lead times, MOQ, lot sizing constraints, min-max quota, and supplier availability are fed into the unmatched computation algorithm of the Procurement Optimizer to arrive at optimized outcomes.

Multiple Scenario planning: Carry out What-if analyses over as many scenarios as required before finalizing the one most suitable to your current business situation.

Features at a glance

  • Quota management for suppliers
  • MoQ and Lot Sizing
  • Supplier rating matrix based on quality, availability, SLA adherence
  • Scenario planning with multiple versions of data
  • Price negotiation feature
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