Marketing Budget Optimizer

Marketing Budget Optimization looks at sampling as a marketing activity for Pharma companies and generates an optimal sample allocation plan that gives the most bang for the marketing buck spent.

Sampling as a promotional tool is used by many companies particularly in the pharma, F&B and FMCG companies. Sometimes the promotional budgets runs into tens of millions of dollars.
The effectiveness of this type of promotions are very low as distribution of samples are not done using an objective decision-making tool.
The Sampling Budget Optimizer solves this problem by optimally allocating samples across MRs/SEs by considering various parameters like Sampling budget, Productivity of the MR/SE, Productivity of the sales area, Seasonality of usage, Flat sampling for new products, Min-Max sampling slabs etc.

Objective of the Optimizer : Allocate the right product in the right quantity to the MRs/SEs so that revenue is maximized thereby maximizing the returns of sampling budget.

Typical ROI : By optimizing the promotional budgets using the Sample Optimizer, companies have realized improvement in productivity in the range of 10%-25%.

Features at a glance

  • Measures the impact of Sampling budget and creates visibility across stakeholders
  • Collaboration across stakeholders with inbuilt approval workflows
  • Unified planning process with single version of data
  • Automated and integrated process for minimal data related errors
Ad Astra’s team consulting proved to be the tune up we needed to improve our campaign results, and it really shows on our turnover.
Brenda McIntyre
Majestic Vista LLC