Pharma & Chemical

Specialty products, customer centricity, focus on improving quality, operational efficiency, and productivity are the key focus areas in the pharma and chemical industry.

SCMworx recognizes that the Pharma & Chemical industry is extremely process-intensive and quality conscious.
Achieve efficient inventory planning, leverage our Adaptive Planning capability to sense changes in the production environment, right size your operating burn, and minimize down time to a bare minimum. With SCMworx supply chain planning & optimization solutions, you can achieve complete visibility and control over the entire supply chain across multiple planning horizons.


Multi-nodal Multi-echelon Inventory Planning

Plan inventory levels across entire network for all material types

Adaptive Planning

Gain better control over manufacturing / assembly with IIoT platform and ML capability

Optimize S&T costs

Optimized inventory planning, warehouse management, delivery route planning, shipment tracking

Maximize capacity utilization

Constraint based production planning and detailed scheduling helps reduce make span