
Unlock your money from Unused Inventory
Unlock your money from Unused Inventory
Manufacturing companies often realize that the raw material or packing items stay unconsumed for several weeks. Such materials are ordered and inventoried after having borrowed money from banks and other sources, at rates of interest equivalent to 12-15 % per annum. Locked funds and the interest thus accrued due to unused inventories can have a...
by scmw0
What suites your business – The Optimization vs TOC approach
What suites your business – The Optimization vs TOC approach
Shop floor operations are complex. Planning with variables like demand, various capacities, run rate, product mix, lead times, material constraints, etc. is not a very easy job. Throw in the element of human behavior and the complexity hits the roof. It is therefore extremely tough to do any type of root cause analysis for poor...
by scmw0
Which Forecasting Technique is good for you?
Which Forecasting Technique is good for you?
One of the favorite questions of Supply Chain interviewers for the ‘often-nervous’ interviewees is “How do you choose a forecasting method for an FMCG company or a Cement company?” Most interviewees babble about errors (calculated statistically assuming a stable universe!) and dashboards.   To be honest, this is a question that has befuddled most of...
by scmw0
7 Things to do when adopting an Advanced Planning System
7 Things to do when adopting an Advanced Planning System
Advanced Planning Systems (APS) score well above the ERP systems in the way those make the Supply Chain Planning processes automated, faster, responsive and cost-effective. Such APSs can be extremely costly and time-consuming. Some of the well-received APS are offered by SAP, Oracle, Manhattan, RedPrairie, Infor, and JDA Software. The CIOs are advised to muse...
by scmw0
Combining the ease of spreadsheet based planning with advanced planning solutions
Combining the ease of spreadsheet based planning with advanced planning solutions
Excel is the preferred tool for most of the supply chain planners. This is because of the flexibility and ease of use that excels offers and planning being a very dynamic area, most of the planners don’t want to get confined to the limitations of the tool. Moreover, simple activities like data manipulation and data...
by scmw0
Decreasing last mile delivery costs and increasing service levels through Vehicle Route Optimization and Scheduling
Decreasing last mile delivery costs and increasing service levels through Vehicle Route Optimization and Scheduling
Last-mile delivery is a complex business with low margins. Be it food, grocery distribution to doorsteps or parcel/courier delivery from hubs to doorsteps or daily replenishment of supermarkets from warehouses. These operations become more complicated if we consider time windows for delivery, truck size restrictions in some neighborhoods, driver shifts and break regulations, SLA, fixed...
by scmw0
Unlock your money from Unused Inventory
Manufacturing companies often realize that the raw material or packing items stay unconsumed for several weeks. Such materials are ordered and inventoried after having borrowed money from banks and other sources, at rates of interest equivalent to 12-15 % per annum. Locked funds and the interest thus accrued due to unused inventories can have a...
What suites your business – The Optimization vs TOC approach
Shop floor operations are complex. Planning with variables like demand, various capacities, run rate, product mix, lead times, material constraints, etc. is not a very easy job. Throw in the element of human behavior and the complexity hits the roof. It is therefore extremely tough to do any type of root cause analysis for poor...
Which Forecasting Technique is good for you?
One of the favorite questions of Supply Chain interviewers for the ‘often-nervous’ interviewees is “How do you choose a forecasting method for an FMCG company or a Cement company?” Most interviewees babble about errors (calculated statistically assuming a stable universe!) and dashboards.   To be honest, this is a question that has befuddled most of...
7 Things to do when adopting an Advanced Planning System
Advanced Planning Systems (APS) score well above the ERP systems in the way those make the Supply Chain Planning processes automated, faster, responsive and cost-effective. Such APSs can be extremely costly and time-consuming. Some of the well-received APS are offered by SAP, Oracle, Manhattan, RedPrairie, Infor, and JDA Software. The CIOs are advised to muse...
Combining the ease of spreadsheet based planning with advanced planning solutions
Excel is the preferred tool for most of the supply chain planners. This is because of the flexibility and ease of use that excels offers and planning being a very dynamic area, most of the planners don’t want to get confined to the limitations of the tool. Moreover, simple activities like data manipulation and data...
Cost effective and responsive supply chain network design using Facilities Location planner
A common problem for large process-based manufacturing organizations with geographically wide distribution is the need to rationalize the economy of scale in production with a large and complex supply chain network. There is a trade-off between the economy of scale achieved through increased production at a more distant site versus additional transportation costs involved. Most...
Improving Inbound & Outbound Logistics at Warehouse using Dock Scheduling
Most of the warehouses face issues in managing inbound and outbound logistics at their warehouses resulting in huge delays in operations. Problems like allocation of docks to inbound and outbound trucks, capacity constraints of docks, and material handling equipment, loading and unloading of trucks, scheduling trucks based on the demand and dock availability, material availability...
Collaborative Demand Planning with Cloud based Demand Planner
Demand planning across an organization requires marshalling a wide range of data like historical sales data, promotions data and data for cause and effect analysis. In order to make the forecast realistic and practical, planners tweak the forecast numbers with their judgemental forecast. Most of this data resides in spreadsheets and therefore building a consensus...
Eyes in the Sky – A 360 degrees view of all Warehousing Operations
Honest Abe was the Supply Chain head of an F&B company. He was hard working, sincere and capable. However after putting his best efforts, there were regular complaints of stock-outs from his Distributors. Despite the fact that his warehousing bills from his 3PLs have ballooned in the past couple of years and his inventory write-offs...
Aren’t Replenishment Models Outdated? Yes, They Are
Lean thinking etched the concept of ‘PULL’ in the mind of supply chain professionals which in-turn popularized the concept of sales based Replenishment Planning. Don’t try to forecast sales. Hold inventory for the replenishment lead time and just replenish what was sold. Sales are what actual customer pull is. Replenishment planning proposed to take out...
An Ode To All Things Rational
Athena, the amazing, loved mathematics. She was good with numbers. That’s why her friends fondly called her ‘The Amazing Athena’. Athena had recently joined a large FMCG company to head the finance function. She was very happy to have got this opportunity. The company had a big product portfolio, had a bunch of star products...
Where is my Money, Honey?
Jonny was not little anymore. He was the owner of Fastrade, a short term trading company that mainly dealt in perishable goods like fruits and vegetables. In a short span of 10 years, he had grown the company to a USD 100 million topline. Although his net margins were wafer thin at 0.5% to 2%,...
Rapid Response for COVID 19
With COVID-19 cases increasing exponentially even after 3 weeks of complete lockdown, prolonged lockdown is expected. In a country like India, where a majority of population depend on daily wages for survival, a complete shutdown for a prolonged period is not sustainable. Limited testing with densely populated areas will surface sporadic cases over a longer...
Tetrapods for the Production Line
Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration and idea-sharing. Holistically pontificate installed base portals after maintainable products. Proactively envisioned multimedia based expertise and cross-media growth strategies.
The Fallacy of Excel based Safety Stock Calculation
Quickly disseminate superior deliverables whereas web-enabled applications. Quickly drive clicks & mortar catalysts for change before vertical architectures. Globally incubate standards compliant channels before scalable benefits.
Supply Chain Control Tower
Enable accurate supply chains rather than frictionless technology. Globally network focused materials vis-a-vis cost effective manufactured products. Quickly communicate enabled technology and turnkey leadership skills.
Is your Supply Chain Technology Strategy Swimming against the Tide?
Harness multimedia based collaboration and idea-sharing with backend products. Continually whiteboard superior opportunities via covalent scenarios. Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination.
The Strange Case of Analytics Overload
Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits. Visualize customer directed convergence without revolutionary ROI.
You need a good SCMworx, and your business SCMworx
Scale future-proof core competencies vis-a-vis impactful experiences. Dramatically synthesize integrated schemas with optimal networks. Interactively procrastinate high-payoff content without backward-compatible data.